Press Release

When Child Custody Changes in Texas - Can Orders Be Modified?
Tuesday, November 29th, 6:00 PM
Can Child Custody Orders Be Modified In Texas After Child Custody Changes?

Fort Worth, United States - November 29, 2022 /Schreier & Housewirth Family Law/

Many parents wonder whether child custody modifications can be made after the family court has rendered a final custody order.

Custody modification lawyers explain that while the court will approve changes for minor issues that are worked out between the parents, they will change the custody order only for other more serious issues that can develop over time.

Before immediately heading to family court, parents who believe they need their order changed should first discuss the situation with a custody modification attorney to determine if it warrants a change, then make a valid argument to get that request approved. 

Custody Orders Reflect A Point In Time

When child custody lawyers work with their clients to develop an approved custody plan, the goal is to do so based on what is in the best interest of the child then.

Judges who approve custody orders also do so knowing that in that moment and into the near future, that plan is best.

Judges can make child custody modifications over the years for a variety of reasons if the original order no longer addresses what is in the best interest of the child.

Considering that orders made when a child is very young may not remain suitable as the child grows up, the family court expects circumstances to arise over time that warrants making changes to the original custody order. 

Circumstances Change And So Can Custody Orders

Although the court requires parents to resolve conflicts in their custody orders on their own or with the assistance of knowledgeable custody attorneys, it also recognizes that the need for more significant changes can happen.

As children get older and parental living, financial, and health circumstances change or other concerns arise, the court understands that the order that worked well three or more years ago may no longer work today.

Additionally, as children mature and reach a point where they have a preference about which parent they wish to predominantly live with, this could also involve changing the custody order.

Circumstances do change over time, so it is good to know that custody modification lawyers can help parents through these changes and determine whether requests to modify the custody order should be made.

Can Texas Child Custody Be Modified When Things Change?

Have circumstances changed and a modification to custody orders appears to be necessary?

Learn more in this video from a Board Certified Family Law Attorney: 

Approval of Custody Modifications In Child’s Best Interest

The main factor that parents seeking child custody modifications should always keep in mind when they wish to approach the court is that custody orders must still reflect what is in the best interest of the child.

Through the progression of time and upon facing new challenges that may not have been present before, parents and their child custody attorneys must ensure that any request and new plans that get presented to the family court for consideration still represent what is best for the child based on current circumstances. 

Seek Child Custody Lawyers When Circumstances Change

Child custody order modifications may seem difficult to obtain when the problem is solvable in other ways.

Knowing this, parents seeking changes to their order should speak with custody modifications lawyers experienced in this process to determine whether their situational change is one that the court would deem acceptable for making those changes.

The family court does recognize that circumstances change over time and current orders may require adjusting as a result.


Compassionate child custody attorneys such as those at Schreier & Housewirth who are experienced in handling modications can help parents dealing with life changes find a workable solution to their issues and yet remain focused on the best interest of their child.

The insight of board-certified family attorneys at Schreier & Housewirth is invaluable when facing any family law issue – call them today at (817) 753-8565 for help!


Contact Information:

Schreier & Housewirth Family Law

1800 W Bowie St
Fort Worth, TX 76104
United States

Greg Housewirth
(817) 923-9999

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